Monday, June 2, 2008

Old Man @ Fenway

Remember how we (Mike, Sam, Heidi, Silvia) told you yesterday about the tour guide we met at Fenway yesterday? Well I just realized I forgot a great line he told us. This is how it went down.

For this monologue:
Old man = Bob
Mike Sam Heidi Silvia = MSHS

Bob: How you folks doing today?
MSHS: Great! How are you?
Bob: Doing fine, you guys need to get somewhere?
MSHS: Nope, just sitting on the steps waiting for the next tour.

Narrator: This part I can't remember the exact dialogue, but Bob, mentioned something about going somewhere he didn't want to; then asked us another question

Bob: So where you guys from?
MSHS: (said with a California accent) California

Now for the money line

Bob: (gasping as he commented) Oh man!! I guess we all have problems! (old man chuckle)

There you go. I just wanted to make sure you got the full experience of our encounter with Bob. If you ever get a chance to tour Fenway Park, make sure you ask for Bob. Although, now that I think about it you can't request Bob because that is not his name. Sorry, I guess you'll just have to sit on the steps across from Fenway and hope his car is parked in front of you!


Unknown said...

Its makes me feel good to read your Thirsty Thursday blogs. You got it right on. Nice to read your blogs from Boston, wish I was there to. Have a great rest of your time in Boston
with Love Dad