Friday, June 13, 2008

Thirsty Thursday: The water is right there

I know it is not Thursday, but here are my 2 cents. This is not going to be a encouragement through direct scripture, but just something I have been processing.
I have been trying to be healthier with what I eat/drink. I have been drinking a ton of water and it has some unique affects. The days that I don't drink at least 100 ounces of water I can feel it in my body. It is a feeling that something is missing and my body is trying to make up for it on its own. This is many times the catch 22 I find myself falling into with my "thirst" for Christ. God gave us his word for a purpose; to quench our thirst. Yet I try to quench it myself too many times. It is something that is a constant frustration because the answer is so simple and clear cut. Yet, I still have a way of not seeking God for my thirst.
There is a reason that drinking water rather then soda is better for you. It is because water is a natural source to quench your thirst and cleanse your body. Without the water in your system you will still function, but your body has to work so much harder to process the soda into something it can use.

All this to say that God's word is the living water that will naturally cleanse us. We need to be in the word every day and continue to drink it up. This will allow our spiritual bodies to perform at a highly efficient level instead of straining for each step.

I hope that you can draw some encouragement!

Drink it up.


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