Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Advice Corner

When you are looking at buying a house I have a piece of advice for you. AVOID A HOUSE WITH A POOL, unless you really enjoy spending hours trying to figure out stupid and ridiculous issues. I.E. my pool currently has a layer of little particles on the surface that the skimmer is not filtering and the leaf net does not catch it. The little things like that drive me insane.

However, if you like fiddling with things like that or have the money to pay someone to do the upkeep for you enjoy your new house with a pool.

Just my advice.

FYI...on the positive side, the electricity it generates has not been very much at all. My gas/electric bill for last month was under $100 which is a wonderful thing!


Kurt Willems said...

hang in there with the pool stuff. Sounds like in the future i will buy a home and then get an inflatable pool from wal-mart